Piano lessons
Advantages of Online:
Convenience — I beam into your house, we all have so many commitments and this is one less activity you have to factor into a hectic schedule.
Tailored learning — I can see how students are working at home and create programs that suit their instrument and environment rather than making students adapt to the piano in the teaching studio.
Fixing bad habits — I can also see potential bad habits at home (stool height, standing to play, sitting on a chair with wheels, playing laying on the floor - I’m not joking!). Many of these habits I have been able to correct immediately and thereby enhancing the quality of the student’s playing.
Recording the lesson — being able to record sections of your lesson (so you can replay after the lesson) serves as a valuable reminder of what was taught. Some online student says this is the most valuable thing about online lessons!
Instruments and nerves — during online lessons, students play on their own instruments in their own homes. For years now, many students tell me “I play that better at home and make fewer mistakes”. This is known as one of the all-time responses piano teachers hear. The fact is, students do play better at home on their own instruments.
Health and safety — if students are sick there is no cross-contamination and infection with other students and their families. Also, sick students can still come to Zoom lessons if they are up to it.
Fewer lesson interruptions — learning online means real world events (like Covid) have less impact on whether or not your lesson can go ahead.
use Zoom for our online lessons - with the advanced “Original Sound for Musicians” audio setting.
Zoom allows you video record your lesson so you can review what we learnt during the week.
I have created a “Zoom Piano Made Easy” file for all my students - this details from downloading to set up to starting your first lesson. Once you apply I will email this to you directly.
30 Minute - $45
How to Book
Book a FREE 30 minute lesson
Schedule your ongoing lesson
Become the pianist of your dreams!
What to expect
Relaxed and fun
Our lessons are a combination of serious learning and fun, in a relaxed environment with a real commitment to developing a long-lasting appreciation for playing the piano.
Tailored to your level
Our lessons are tailored to your level and broken down into bite-sized chunks so you will leave your first lesson feeling encouraged & excited.
Common questions
We teach the full range of students from approximately 6 years old through to students in their 70’s.
We love teaching a wide range of musical styles including classical, light classics, jazz, latin music, movies themes and pop music.
Lesson materials
We create booklets, activities, and lesson notes for all students to help reinforces what we have learnt in the lesson. We can also develop special exercises to help overcome any difficulties identified and like to have fun with creating backing tracks as well as printable and animated scores for different playing speeds.
Piano exams
We prepare students from preliminary through to their diploma exams with AMEB and the Royal Schools of Music in London. Not all students want to do exams but we approach them much like swimmers regard a “swim meet”. It is an opportunity to perform for a professional pianist and it helps to give students confidence. There is nothing like hearing a student boast “I’m at sixth grade for piano”.
Exam results
At our last exam “meet”, in Nov 2019, 12 of our students performed very well with the hight mark being a High Distinction (A+) and our lowest a Credit (B).
Competition results
Last year four students participated in the Young Pianist competition: Saxon Mills-Booth (First Prize Winner), Neo Zhang (Highly Commended), Keely Long (Finalist), and Ethan Linkhorn (Finalist).